Sunday, December 18, 2011

Setting Yourself Apart. Part 2

Okay, so in the first part of this lesson, judging from what people have said to me, there was a lot left to be desired, for this I apologize. This time around, I hope to articulate myself better.
I'm going to be using my own songs I've written as a sort of tool, to demonstrate certain techniques and sounds that can be useful for this style, by breaking down little parts of them and explaining why they're there (etc).
Ty Lowry.

     E  E  E  E  E  E     H        Q       Q    H           H.            
  Q    E  E  E  E     H.              Q    Q    E  E     Q    E  E  E  E   
  E  E  Q    Q       H        E   E     Q     E   E   E    E    
                NH             NH                                       
  E   Q.        Q       Q      E  E   Q        E    E   E   E    Q      

So as you can see, that is basically just a pretty melodic sounding piece that's Finger Picked, or Hybrid Picked, played on Acoustic/Clean Tone, and in the original version of it, I used a capo on the 4th fret, made for a richer harmony. The purpose of this piece in the context I've been discussing, is to not only create a false sense of security/tranquility within the listener, before blasting them with an onslaught of maniacal riffing and sliding. I will now provide you with an example of the aforementioned 'Maniacal riffing and sliding'
Thunderwall punching cyborg NOT thunderborg, Jenson.

     E  E    Q    H           H        E  E  E   E   
   E    E  E  E   E   E   E  E      E  E   E  E   E   E    E   E   
  E   E   E   E   E   E   E  S S    E.  S E   E  E   E   E  E   
  S S S S S S E  E    E  E   E     E  E  E.  S E  E  E  E   
  S S E  E  S S S S S S E  E      E  S  S E  E   E  S S  S S S S   
  S E  S  S  S S  S  E  E  S  S  S  S  
  E.  S  S S S S  S S S  S  S  S T  S  T  
  T  E  T T T T  E    E    E    S. T  S. T  S. 
  T  S  S  S. S  E.  S S S S S  S S T T  
  T  S  S  S  S  S  E   E   E   T S.  T  E    
  S E.   E  E  E  E  E  E     E  H        E  E   E    

....*Wipes sweat of forehead* PHEWW!! that was a real toughie, I had to copy and paste every line of these tabs from my notepad file, individually, line by agonizing line.Hopefully most of you will agree with me when I say that, a majority of that stuff was pretty Straight-Forward, yeah? With the exception of the sweeps, I know those shapes are a bit difficult to get under your fingers, but yeah, all I can say is, keep practicing them until you have them comfortable enough to tackle the 'Economy-Picking-esque' Little lines that I threw in there too.
So, lets recap, starting from around the second bar, you'll notice is where the sliding starts to introduce itself, some of these are very long position shifts, but are well worth it, for the unique sound they produce. You may have also noticed the little erratically random 16th note, chromatic runs that pop up a couple of times, I do these to add tension and 'hostility' to the lines, combined with string skipping and other scale shapes, I think it works to accentuate a dazzling effect.
I have much more to cover in further parts to this...series? I guess you could call it, I hope this was an improvement on the first part and I really hope you guys like it. Cheers, Ty Lowry.

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